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Friday, December 12, 2008


I know her not. She lurks in my memories and will not leave me alone. She is much like a shadow that never leaves. What must I do to cast her aside? She is here, but is not here. She is there, but is not there? Why? Please go away. I don’t understand why she doesn’t go away because she is really gone. The mere thought makes her present, but if I should open my eyes
I know her not!
Everyday she is in my face. I am forced to see her, to be in her presence. This figure that once really was my shadow is not any more. Please go away. Don’t you understand? I don’t want you! You cast me away and I am trying to do you the same.
I know her not!
There she goes again. Appearing in MY dreams. Is she crazy? Get out of my sleep. You didn’t really want to be here anyway. So why are you still here? I don’t understand. Why did you come when that was not where you really wanted to go? Who goes across the country and doesn’t want to go? What sense does that make? Go Go Go.
I know her not!
You have what you want. So why are you still here? The expression on your face tells me you never cared. I’m confused. Please go away. You have what you want. My head hurts. Why is my head hurting? I want you to hurt like me. You stupid bitch. Go the fuck away. I hate you.
I know her not!

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