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Holi Rae: July 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Sun smiles wide through the pane
If it's an indication of the day
Excitement lurks around the corner.
Mocha aroma dances across the kitchen.
Folger grains sift themselves alive
Creating a harmonic smell, a pleasant atmosphere
Two ceramic mugs, lap tops, and reading material
Each day should begin this fluent
Sincere sun shines and clement coffee soothes
Colliding characteristics flirt with emotions
Tender words are exchanged
Agendas are established
Sipping between thoughts
Perhaps to organize new discussion
Or listen to the other share ideas
Unyielding partnerships become tenacious
Coffee consumption each daybreak liquidates barriers
A time for reflection, a time for smiles
Most all, a moment to share
Something so simplistic
Wish the formula was revealed prior
Coffee Talks
Might have liberated past bonds
Picnic experiences won't be disregarded again
Yet, commemorated in time of relationship crisis
Thirty years from now, Folgers will still exist!
Will this?
Can't abandon the idea as though an orphan
Sunshine, sharing, and smiles will continue
As well as our
Coffee Talks!